1st & 2nd grade Easter baskets for UK Children's Hospital.
3rd & 4th grade delivering food and clothing to the Amen House.
The Passion Play.
Beta Club Service Project.
Principal's Corner
I was thinking about all the wonderful things that happened at St. John School the week before Easter and thought I would share a few of them.
St. John students collected over $1000 for the rice bowl fund.
Our third and fourth grade collected and delivered over 250 pounds of food to the Amen House. They also delivered clothes.
Our school collected and counted over 2500 cans and bottles in one week for our recycling program.
The first and second graders put together Easter baskets that were delivered to UK Children's Hospital.
The sixth and seventh graders raked leaves and picked up trash around the school and church before Holy Week.
The Notre Dame College pep band and cheerleaders performed a rousing program for our students.
Our students did a beautiful performance of the Passion Play on Good Friday. Several grades provided music and a great song using hand bells.
All the while, the teachers and students were focused and on task. Our students do a great job providing service in helping the school, parish, community, and environment. St. John School is a great place and with your help we will continue to get even better.
God bless and take care, Dan Mardell
Here's What's New:
3rd & 4th Grade Service Project Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Amen House. The third and fourth grade classes delivered 251 pounds of food and several bags of clothing. These items will be benefiting families right here in Scott County. Congratulations to the third grade class! They had, by far, the most items donated. They will be having a pizza party soon.
Job Opening St. John Catholic School is looking to hire a full time certified Middle School Science teacher for grades 6th - 8th. The position involves teaching Earth, Life, and Physical Science starting in the 2016-2017 school year. Teachers must follow all duties and responsibilities as outlined by St. John School and the Diocese of Lexington.
Job Requirements
Kentucky Teacher Certificate or Equivalent
Technology skills in Google platform are desirable
Application Instructions: Please send resume and cover letter to the attention of: St. John School Attention: Dan Mardell, Principal 106 Military St. Georgetown, KY 40324 [email protected] 502-863-2607
Art Show News This years annual art show will be held May 12th at Cardome. Please save the date!
Those interested in helping set up the art show on the 11th, please contact Ms. Moore and watch for details in upcoming Notes. If you can help in the weeks before the art show with any other details, help would be greatly appreciated.
We are also looking for donations for the 3 art baskets for the scavenger hunt. If you can donate items please let Ms. Moore know!
There will be no art clubs in May due to the end of the school year.
Save The Date Spring Family Movie Night will be Friday, April 22. Mark your calendars for a fun evening of food, friends and a movie!! More information to follow.
2015-16 Revised School Calendar Click here to view the updated school calendar for this school year.
Health Fair St. John School will have its annual health fair on Friday, April 15th. Please make sure your children have their hair neat and clean that day. Girls need to wear their hair down on this day.
Recycling News We are in the last 3 weeks of the Recycle Rally Challenge. St. John School is currently ranked 12th in the nation. Help us keep that standing or move higher by bringing in all your plastic bottles and cans by April 25th.
Kroger Community Rewards News Thank you to everyone who has linked your Kroger Card to help our school and parish. Our supporters (127 households) who shopped at Kroger between 2015-12-01 and 2016-02-29
have contributed to your $1,353.92 total donation.
Used Uniforms Spring is right around the corner! Stop by the office to shop our selection of used uniforms for your child. Students may wear shorts beginning April 4th.
Open Registration Going On Now Please help spread the word about our amazing school. We are now accepting registration for the upcoming school year from the public. We have yard signs by the main school building if you would like to put one in your yard to help us advertise!
Volunteers Needed We are in need of volunteers from 10:30-1 to help in the cafeteria. Please contact the office if you are able to help.
Computer Lab Hours The Computer Lab is open on Mondays from 3-3:30 for students who would like to take AR tests or practice typing.
Pictures For the Notes If you have any pictures of events going on around school and would like to share them, please e-mail them to[email protected]
Submissions for Notes From the Office If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to[email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
Dates to Know:
Apr 9: 1st Communion for SJS students 6pmApr 10: Youth led Mass at 10:30Apr 11: School Board meeting 6:30pmApr 12: Speech/ Debate contest after MassApr 12: Open House 5-7pmApr 15: Health FairApr 15: Mid terms go home
St. John School Board Members
President - Beth Blankenship Vice President - Mason Howell Secretary - Lisa Case 1st year members Christina Gordley, Lisa Case, Roy Sturgill 2nd year members Jason Noffsinger, Kathy Boothe, Mason Howell 3rd year members Jason Yount, Beth Blankenship, Mary Napier
St. John Catholic School Ss. Francis & John Parish
Questions, comments, or concerns? As always, feel free to contact us anytime or simply reply to this email.
St. John Catholic School 106 Military Street Georgetown, Kentucky40324 502-863-2607 [email protected]