The first week at St. John went smoothly and we are off to a great start. This start quickly reminded me of how fantastic the students, staff, and parents are at St. John School. Thank you to all the volunteers that made the thrift sale a huge success. As part of the SS. Francis & John Parish / St. John School family stewardship, we will be requesting that everyone volunteer to help us. The Double Saints Festival is a perfect time to volunteer. Help will be needed setting up for the festival
on Wednesday and
Thursday (8/21 & 8/22). If you can help, please meet at the Bossy Barn around
6:00 PM. Also, volunteers are needed to help at the festival
on Friday night and all day
Saturday. Lastly, we need help with clean-up
on Sunday morning beginning at
9:00 AM. This is one of the biggest fundraisers for our church and school. Many people have already put in countless hours to make it a success. Please contact the school or church office if you have any questions about where you can volunteer to help, If everyone volunteers a few hours the load will be lightened. In advance, thank you for all your help with the festival.
Lastly, thank you for getting your children to school by
7:50 AM. This cuts down on the distractions and we lose less teaching time.
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
If you would like to keep up with Mr. Smith's Egypt adventure please contact the school office for the web address for his blog.
Here's What's New:
Friendly Reminder
Please put names on all sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets, backpacks and lunch boxes. This way we can return lost items to the proper person.
Double Saints Festival
Please join us this Friday, 8/22 from 5pm-10pm and Saturday, 8/23 from 10am-10pm for some great family fun. We will have craft vendors, food vendors, inflatables, kids games, pony rides, petting zoo, live auction, car cruise-in and raffles throughout the day! The festival will be held at 3159 Newtown Pike. Volunteers are still needed so please contact Eric Thompson at [email protected] if you are available to volunteer.
PE t-shirt and Sweatshirt order forms
Please turn in your order forms for PE shirts and sweatshirts, along with payment, to the school office by Friday, August 22. Click here if you need another form.
Kroger Community Rewards Program (NEW)
Earn money for St. John School simply by shopping at Kroger and scanning your Kroger Plus Card. ** This program will replace the former Kroger Gift card fundraising program.** Here is how it works:
1. If you don't already have a Kroger Plus card, simply sign up at the Customer Service desk at Kroger.
2. Log in to : 3. Create an account and follow steps to enroll in the rewards program using our school's NPO number : 10168
***Your purchases will not count for St. John School until you link your Kroger Plus card***
Soccer Coach Needed
The soccer season is quickly approaching. The U8 and U10 teams are starting practice next week and the U6 the following week. We are still in need of a U6 coach. If anyone knows of someone or is interested in giving it a shot it would be greatly appreciated. Some knowledge of soccer or coaching experience would be great. If you are interested please contact Chris Ramsey at [email protected].
Bingo Paperwork
Please return your team assignment paper as soon as possible so that teams can be finalized for the upcoming school year. All families are expected to participate in the fundraiser. If you are not able to work on a Friday or Saturday night please indicate that on your sheet and someone will contact you about arraigning for a sub.
Virtus Training
Per diocesan policy, anyone who volunteers that will have direct contact with children (at school, in the parish or at events such as our Festival) is required to go through Virtus Training. Mark your calendar to attend the session to be held on August 18th, at 6:30 PM in the Mary House (located on Military St.). Register online at
under the Virtus tab.
Thank You From Maria Pearl
A big thank you to all the SJ parents that donated cases of water for the Finley 5k. We surpassed our goal of collecting 50 cases! At the present time we have collected 57 cases. It is not too late to donate. Send cases of water to the Parish/School office if you want to donate by Aug 27.
Used Uniforms
Don't forget to stop by the office to purchase some gently used uniforms. You may also drop off all your old uniforms that don't fit anymore.
Saints in Action Please click here to see the notes from the last meeting.
Please check your orientation folders for your bingo team information and return the page indicating your evening preference by Wednesday. We are asking each family to provide one representative to help out one night a month. This is our major fund raiser and keeps our tuition low. If you need more information about what we do please contact Joanne Andres at 502-644-7221.
If you have any pictures of events going on around school and would like to share them, please e-mail them to
[email protected]
Submissions for Notes From the Office
If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to
[email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
Dates to Know:
Aug 18: Virtus Training 6:30 pm Mary House Aug 22: PE t-shirt and school sweatshirt orders due! Aug 22 & 23: Double Saints Festival
St. John Catholic School Ss. Francis & John Parish
Questions, comments, or concerns? As always, feel free to contact us anytime or simply reply to this email.
St. John Catholic School 106 Military Street Georgetown,
Kentucky40324 502-863-2607