As we prepare to close out our last week before Christmas break, I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your continued support of St. John School and our staff. I often reflect on the fact that as a Catholic school, we are called to not only be present in our students’ lives, but also be an example of what Jesus asks of us. When days are long or challenging, we remind ourselves that your children are gifts from God and that we are blessed to be in their lives. Thank you for your commitment and trust in us to educate your children.
The school office will be closed over the Christmas break (from December 16 – January 2). We return on January 3, 2024!
Dismissal this Friday (December 15th) will be at 11:15 AM. There is NO AFTERSCHOOL that day. Also, please be aware that BREAKFAST will be served that morning, but there will be NO LUNCH OFFERED to the students.
The gates will open at 11:00 AM and dismissal will be like any other school day with the exception that Preschool-only families (those with no older siblings) will get separate dismissal information from Mrs. Wayman/Ms. Zuehl with an earlier dismissal time. Preschoolers with older siblings at St. John will follow the normal dismissal process we follow every day (just at the earlier time).
Some awesome activities are going on this week around campus. For those seeking the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you may enter the Chapel at Cardome at 6:00 PM on any of the following nights: Monday 12/11, Wednesday 12/13 or Thursday 12/14.
Tomorrow is the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Chapel at Cardome. You may want to come at 5:30 AM to experience Las Mananitas, a serenade of song and praise to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mass will be Tuesday evening at 6:30 PM. Please note that we will have our regular school Mass at 8:30 AM on Tuesday (and will celebrate the Mass as a bilingual Mass). You are also invited to celebrate Las Posadas at the Parish Hall at Cardome on Saturday, December 16th at 6:00PM. More details can be found in the parish bulletin/website.
Lastly, please be sure to have your students bring in donations this week for any of our helping others this holiday season giving events. Christmas Hampers, Toys for Tots, and Not Alone Pregnancy Center are all worthy causes that need help! All donations can be dropped off at school.
Mr. Mayer
Christmas Sing Along
Dear Parents,
Blessed Advent, and Merry Early Christmas! Tomorrow following the School Mass, we will have a schoolwide Christmas sing along. Each class will present a song or Carol, and everyone is invited to join in singing! All of the songs should be familiar, but song packets will be provided.
We proceed on!
Mr. Brusoe, Music Teacher
2022-2023 Yearbooks
Did you forget to order your yearbook last year? That's no problem. We have about 15 extras that are for sale. They will be on a first come first serve basis. Please email the office at [email protected] if you would like to purchase one.
Snacks and Drinks
Just a reminder that all students should bring a snack and drink from home everyday. All classes have a snack time for students.
Step 1: Click the picture of students running down a hall-way with the label
"School Finder"
*Do not use search bar or "school uniforms" tab at top of page*
Step 2: Select your school from the alphabetized list.
Step 3: Shop away! Please contact us with any questions.