I hope everyone had a peaceful and restful Thanksgiving. The children have been working hard on the Christmas program and I look forward to the performances. As we enter the last weeks before Christmas break please make sure the students are on time and focused. Thank you for all you do for St. John Catholic School.
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
** Change, Change, Change !!! **
We will no longer be using SMART TUITION as our tuition management system. Next year we will be switching to FACTS so that we will be on the same system as the other schools in the diocese. More information will follow within the next two months.
Here's What's New:
Santa Shop
Santa Shop starts tomorrow! Please be sure to send in money for your student to shop. The Santa Shop will also be open for 1 hour before the Christmas Program Tuesday night (5pm). Please stop in and see what great gifts we have for the whole family! The students will have the opportunity to shop for Christmas gifts for their loved ones during school. The Shop will start on Tuesday, December 2 and run through Thursday, December 4. If you have some time and would like to volunteer to help with the shop, please email me at [email protected].
Science Fair Winners
5th: 1. David R., 2. Dominic B., 3. Rachel S.
6th: 1. Jackson C., 2. Josie H., 3. Jon H.
7th: 1. Spencer M., 2. Spencer G., 3. Eli C.
8th: 1. Brian R., 2. Ryan M., 3. Nathan M.
Christmas Program
Preschool - 2nd grade will have their performance on Tuesday, December 2nd at 6pm. Third grade through eighth grade will put on a play, "The Christmas Solo", on Tuesday, December 9th at 6pm.
Angel Tree Gifts
Gifts from the Angel Tree should be returned Unwrapped with tag to the church THIS weekend to give the Salvation Army time to sort, etc. in time for their delivery.
Hope For The Holidays
CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF LEXINGTON MINISTRY FOR THE BEREAVED is offering a program for those who mourn. How can I make it through the holidays while missing the one I love? Whatever your age, whoever has died, whatever the cause of death, holidays lived in the absence of a loved one can be a very difficult time. This program offers words of faith, support, personal testimonies, acts of kindness, and powerful tools to aid you through the holidays.
Deacon Bob Kotzbauer @ 859-273-3645 or Connie Kotzbauer @ 859-351-1498
Book Drive for Toys for Tots
The 6th grade will be collecting new and gently used books for Toys for Tots. The collection will begin on
Nov. 5 and run until
Dec.5. Boxes will be placed in your homerooms and in the back of the Church. The books will be collected at the end of each day.
Thanks for your generosity!
Mrs. Pendleton's 6th Grade Class
" Our Recycling Efforts Helps Veterans "
PepsiCo Recycling Celebrates Veterans Day by Awarding a $500,000 Donation to EBV Standing in front of a roaring crowd in the end zone of the Syracuse University Carrier Dome on Nov. 1, PepsiCo CFO Hugh Johnston, Syracuse alum, and PepsiCo Recycling Program Director Meagan Smith presented a $500,000 check to show PepsiCo's support of the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) program.
Knights of Columbus Breakfast with Santa
FREE Photos with Santa for only $5.00 PER PERSON.
BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY . . . TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. THIS IS A KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FUNDRAISER. Join us on Sunday, December 7th anytime between 8am and noon at Galvins.
Save the Date for our 2015 Winter Gala
This years gala is scheduled for January 31st at the Embassy Suites in Lexington. The Gala committee met this past week and are looking for volunteers to coordinate the silent auction. If you or someone you know are interested in helping out, contact the parish office or Gala Committee chair, Ozanna Waltz- Allen at [email protected], phone (610) 573-4415!
Parish Verification Covenants and Stewardship Forms
If you are Catholic, you should have received a letter with the above mentioned forms a few weeks ago. We have only had 37 out of 90 families return the forms so far. Mr. Mardell and Fr. Linh ask that you return these forms as soon as possible. If you have turned in your Stewardship form at church we will get a copy of it. Thank you!
AR testing
The computer lab will be open on Monday's from 3-3:30 for students to take AR quizzes
.Kroger Community Rewards Program (NEW)
Earn money for St. John School simply by shopping at Kroger and scanning your Kroger Plus Card. ** This program will replace the former Kroger Gift card fundraising program.** Here is how it works:
1. If you don't already have a Kroger Plus card, simply sign up at the Customer Service desk at Kroger.
2. Log in to : KrogerCommunityRewards.com 3. Create an account and follow steps to enroll in the rewards program using our school's NPO number : 10168
***Your purchases will not count for St. John School until you link your Kroger Plus card***
Used Uniforms
Don't forget to stop by the office to purchase some gently used uniforms. You may also drop off all your old uniforms that don't fit anymore.
If you have any pictures of events going on around school and would like to share them, please e-mail them to
[email protected]
Submissions for Notes From the Office
If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to
[email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
Dates to Know:
Dec 2: Preschool - 2 grade Christmas Program 6pm Dec 2-4: Santa's Workshop Dec 3: Communal Penance 6:30pm
Dec 7: Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast Dec 8: Mass at 8am Immaculate Conception Dec 8: Preschool -1 and 6-8 field trip Dec 9: 3-8 Christmas Play 6pm
St. John Catholic School Ss. Francis & John Parish
Questions, comments, or concerns? As always, feel free to contact us anytime or simply reply to this email.
St. John Catholic School 106 Military Street Georgetown,
Kentucky40324 502-863-2607