I hope everyone was able to get some rest over the extended and snowy weekend. I hope the students had a chance to recharge and are ready to focus on school. Also, the Lenten season is a good time to center ourselves with God.
I would also like to thank Sherry Kelley for saving the day Friday at bingo. The scheduled volunteer had surgery and was not able to be there so Mrs. Kelley stepped in to make sure bingo ran smoothly. Thank you again Mrs. Kelley!
God bless and take care, Dan Mardell
Here's What's New:
2016-2017 Registration Please make sure you turn in your registration paperwork and fee before February 19th to avoid paying an increased registration fee.
Rice Bowls During Lent our school will participate in CRS Rice Bowl. In the first 40 years, more than $250 million has been given through CRS Rice Bowl to support programs that prevent hunger and poverty around the world. Of that, $62.5 million went to programs in the U.S. through local dioceses and $187.5 million went to CRS programs overseas. Rice bowls should be returned to the school office by March 23rd.
Art help Ms. Barb is in need of towels for the art room. If you have any old towels you would like to donate she would greatly appreciate it.
Battle of the Rock
Please join us on Friday, February 19th for our winter pep rally. We will be celebrating our basketball teams and cheerleaders. We will begin at 1:00 in the gym at Georgetown College. E-Day 2016
E-Day, hosted by the University of Kentucky College of Engineering, is a celebration of engineering and is perfect for school-aged children (K-12), especially those interested in learning more about the things engineers and computer scientists do. Approximately 100 demonstrations, exhibits and contests hosted by UK Students and Departments, government organizations and industry, will be featured. E-Day is February 27th, 2016 and is completely FREE! Learn more at www.engr.uky.edu/eday/
Lexington Catholic Regional Reception Please join us on Wednesday, February 17th from 5-7 PM. Visit with faculty and staff, learn about our challenging curriculum, and take a student-led tour of our school. Questions? Please contact Mindy Towles, Director of Admissions, at [email protected] or (859) 277-7183 ext. 231.
Computer Lab Hours The Computer Lab is open on Mondays from 3-3:30 for students who would like to take AR tests or practice typing.
Pictures For the Notes If you have any pictures of events going on around school and would like to share them, please e-mail them to[email protected]
Submissions for Notes From the Office If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to[email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
Dates to Know:
Feb 16: Registration begins for parishioners Feb 19: Stations of the Cross 8:15am Feb 19: Battle of the Rock 1pm Feb 22: Registration is open to the public Feb 26: Stations of the Cross 8:15am
St. John School Board Members
President - Beth Blankenship Vice President - Mason Howell Secretary - Lisa Case 1st year members Christina Gordley, Lisa Case, Roy Sturgill 2nd year members Jason Noffsinger, Kathy Boothe, Mason Howell 3rd year members Jason Yount, Beth Blankenship, Mary Napier
St. John Catholic School Ss. Francis & John Parish
Questions, comments, or concerns? As always, feel free to contact us anytime or simply reply to this email.
St. John Catholic School 106 Military Street Georgetown, Kentucky40324 502-863-2607 [email protected]