Notes From the Office: Monday, February 27th, 2017
Weekly Updates
February 2017
It is hard to believe that the third quarter is coming to a close on March 3. The students are doing a good job in the classroom. Last week, I spent a great deal of time in the classrooms evaluating teachers.The staff of St. John School is very talented and they work very hard. I am constantly amazed at what I am seeing in the classrooms. Please remember that your are welcome to visit the classroom anytime. Just check in the office and we will bring you to the rooms.
Our students were very busy all weekend. The robotics teams spent Saturday at UK for Engineering Day. The basketball teams were all involved in tournament play. The season ended for our 5/6 grade boys and 7/8 grade girls. These teams battled hard all season. However, the 7/8 boys basketball team won both their games and advance to the next round. I want to thank all the coaches for their dedication and work with the students. Being a former middle school coach for many years, I understand it is not always an easy job! I would also like to thank the parents for the many hours spent hauling the students to practice and games - not always an easy task!
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
Here's What's New!!
Registration is open to the public. Please help spread the good news about our school. Click here to view the registration procedures or visit the school website at
Tuition assistance applications for the 2017-2018 school year are now being accepted by FACTS tuition management. Please click here to review the information needed to complete the financial aid process. Please remember that financial aid is not offered for preschool students but that information is used for assessment purposes only. Financial aid applications are due by March 1st, 2017.
Robotics Update CONGRATULATIONS!!!! All the St. John's teams who participated at E-day got an invite (and are now registered) for their respective state competitions! THEY COMPETE THIS WEEKEND! That gives us a total of 5 teams in the state competition. We are so very proud of these kids and coaches!
Volunteers Needed for March 5 Open House
We need four to five parent volunteers to give tours at Open House on Sunday, March 5 from 3 to 5 pm. It really is fun especially if you like to meet new people! If you can help, please contact Andrea Flanders at 859-396-3364 or [email protected]
A sneak peek at some of the classroom art projects that we will be auctioning off during the book fair!
Scholastic Book Fair is coming!! March 13-17 Be on the lookout for information in your child's office folder. Buy books for your kids and help us raise money for new textbooks.
Volunteer Needed to Coordinate the SJS Booth at Kite Festival in April
The Kite Festival will be held at the Cardome on April 22 & 23rd and we are seeking a volunteer to coordinate the SJS booth activities and volunteers. Last year, we had a very fun and active booth where children made windsocks and had their face painted – a big hit and some great PR for our school!
Christina Gordley who coordinated the booth last year has kindly offered to provide guidance and fill you in on what was done last year to help make 2017 a great success!
Please contact Andrea Flanders at 859-396-3364 or [email protected] if interested in this volunteer opportunity.
St. John's Annual Art Show Thursday May 11, 2017 3:00pm-7:30pm
Monday Art Club 4th grade to 8th grade. Come join us Mondays after school for a variety of different art mediums and artist exploration. Beginning Monday, January 9th at 3:00pm-4:00pm. Snack included. Cost $25. Please Contact Miss Barb for further details.
Tuesday Arts & Crafts Club Kindergarten to 3rd grade Come join us Tuesdays after school for arts and crafts! Lots of fun to be had! Club begins next Tuesday, January 10th at 3:00pm-4:00pm. Snack included. Cost $25. Please contact Miss Barb for further details. Thursday Drawing Club If you like to draw and want increase your knowledge and skills this class if for you! Beginning Thursday, January 12th at 3:00pm-4:00pm. Snack included. Cost $50 Please contact Miss Barb for more information.
Computer Lab Hours The computer lab will be open from 3 - 3:30 on Mondays for students who would like to take AR tests or practice typing.
Submissions for Notes From the Office If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to [email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
St. John School Board Members President - Mason Howell Vice President - Roy Sturgill Secretary - Lisa Case 1st year members Carissa Yount, Emily Balbaugh, Kim Jansen 2nd year members Christina Gordley, Lisa Case, Roy Sturgill 3rd year members Jason Noffsinger, Kathy Boothe, Mason Howell
Dates to Know: Mar 1: Ash Service at 8:30 PM Mar 3: Stations of the Cross at 8:15 AM Mar 3: 3rd quarter ends Mar 3: Fish Fry 5-7 PM in the undercroft Mar 5: Open House from 3-5 PM Mar 8: 1st Reconciliation for 2nd grade students at 6 PM Mar 10: Stations of the Cross 8:15 AM Mar 10: Report Cards go home Mar 13-17: Book Fair Mar 14: Breakfast and Books for Preschool - 3rd grades Mar 15: Breakfast and Books for 4th - 8th grades Mar 16: Panera fundraising night 4-8 PM Mar 17: Stations of the Cross 8:15 AM Mar 24: Stations of the Cross 8:15 AM Mar 31: Stations of the Cross 8:15 AM Apr 3-7: Spring Break
St. John Catholic School | 106 MIlitary St. Georgetown, KY 40324 | p.502-863-2607 f.502-863-2259 w. e. [email protected]