Before Christmas break, the middle school students went caroling at the Active Day Center.
The Virtue for the month of January is Gratitude.
The 8th grade scientific method experiment.
7th grade chicken wing dissection .
Kindergarten Bulletin Board
Second Grade Bulletin Board
December middle school service project This past December, middle school students wrote Christmas cards to soldiers serving away from home, families with people serving, and injured soldiers in hospitals. They wrote a total of 81 cards which were mailed to the American Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes Program. A special thanks to Mrs. Napier who gave cards to the project!
Principal's Corner
This is the second week back and the students have quickly settled into the school mode. The second round of MAP testing begins this week. Please make sure your children are rested and have a good breakfast. Congratulations to our basketball teams this weekend. All of the Saint John's teams won. Enrollment for the 2015 - 2016 year begins in February. As parents, you are our greatest recruiting tool. Please spread the word about all the great things happening at our school.
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
** Change, Change, Change !!! **
We will no longer be using SMART TUITION as our tuition management system. Next school year, we will be switching to FACTS so that we will be on the same system as the other schools in the diocese. More information will follow within the next two months.
Here's What's New:
Save the Date for our 2015 Winter Gala
This years gala is scheduled for January 31st at the Embassy Suites in Lexington. If you would like to order tickets please contact the school office. Tickets are $65 per person and include 2 free drink tickets. If you or someone you know are interested in helping out with the gala, contact the parish office or Gala Committee chair, Ozanna Waltz- Allen at [email protected], phone (610) 573-4415!
Honor Roll All A's 1st - Elijah A., Cade B., Liam C., Dekon F., Isaiah G., Evie G., Jeremy M., Isabella M., Billy M., Gianna N., Michael O., Tripp S., Emery Y., Jordon U. 2nd - Ella R., Charlie B., Adrianna B., Anna M., Nathan C., Audrey J., Blake M., Abby G. 3rd- Linela D., Joshua D., Nathan K., John R., Madison S. 4th - Max B., Gianna B., Mazie C., Clark H., Shea M., Sydney S., Jaxon W. 5th - Hunter B., Kristin D., Connor G., David R., Alex M. 6th - Jonathan H., Kylie H. 7th - Eli C., Spencer G. 8th -Maggie A., Cole H., Nathan M., Caanan N., Brian R.
Honor Roll A's & B's 1st- Kaylynn C., Lillian F., Kathryn S. 2nd - Carson W., Olivia N., William R., Preston L., Sydney Z., Matthew B., Brayden P., Miles V. 3rd- Maddie B., Charlie C., Taylor C., Ava H., Sawyer J., Joseph M., Zachary M., Caroline R., 4th - Madison C., Seth F., Matthew G., Haydn H., Eva L., Oryonne M., Spencer M., William M., Dawson P., Juan Q. 5th - Dominic B., Hana J., Logan H., Evan L., Evan M., Lincoln N., Bridgette M., Rachel S., Lily U., Gabe N. 6th - Nicholas B., Jackson C., Matt D., Ethan F., Grace H., Josie H., Aidan L., Nicholas M., Jacob N., Rowdy P., Lainie S. 7th - Lucy B., Spencer M., Jim N., Kyla P., Katie T. 8th - Joseph C., Grant F., John K., Ryan M.
Perfect Attendance
K- Seth M. 2nd - Preston L. 3rd - Ava H., Joshua D., Joseph M., John R. 5th - Damien T. & David R. 6th - Matt D. 7th - Spencer M. 8th - Nathan M., Brian R.
Buffalo Wild Wings Day
Please help St. John School raise money just by eating at Buffalo Wild Wings in Georgetown, anytime Saturday, January 17th. We have already collected over $250, just by families bringing their ticket and eating at the restaurant. Click here to download a copy of the ticket.
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Shooting Competition
Once again this year, the Knights of Columbus are holding a free-throw championship for all boys and girls 9 thru 14 years of age. It is open to all boys and girls and gives them a chance to compete against their own age and gender. The event will be held
Sunday, January 18th at the Georgetown College Gym. Registration is at
noon and the event is FREE. All the kids need to do is show up at
noon ready to shoot 15 free throws. The 12 winners will receive a FREE BASKETBALL.
Pizza and drinks will be provided after the event. The event, including pizza should be completed by 2 pm.
The Kentucky Blood Center Bloodmobile will be at St. John Church on Sunday, January 25, from 8:00 am until 12:30 PM. Each time you donate, three people benefit. Please prayerfully consider donating on January 25. The target for this drive is 19 units. You can register 3 different ways: Online at , After Mass on Sunday, January 18, Or call Bob Jackson at 502-370-4050.
Lexington Catholic Lacrosse
If your middle school son is interested in joining the lacrosse team, it's not too late!
Visit with faculty and staff, learn about our challenging curriculum and take a student-led tour of our school. Thursday, February 19, 2015 5:00pm-7:00pm, LCHS Library (Library entrance: upon entering the parking lot, follow the left side of the building around to the back and enter through the double glass doors) Questions? Contact: Mindy Towles [email protected] or Erin Hilton [email protected]
AR testing
The computer lab will be open on Monday's from 3-3:30 for students to take AR quizzes
Kroger Community Rewards Program (NEW)
Earn money for St. John School simply by shopping at Kroger and scanning your Kroger Plus Card. ** This program will replace the former Kroger Gift card fundraising program.** Here is how it works:
1. If you don't already have a Kroger Plus card, simply sign up at the Customer Service desk at Kroger.
2. Log in to : 3. Create an account and follow steps to enroll in the rewards program using our school's NPO number : 10168
***Your purchases will not count for St. John School until you link your Kroger Plus card***
Used Uniforms
Don't forget to stop by the office to purchase some gently used uniforms. You may also drop off all your old uniforms that don't fit anymore.
If you have any pictures of events going on around school and would like to share them, please e-mail them to
[email protected]
Submissions for Notes From the Office
If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to
[email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
Dates to Know:
Jan 12: School Board Meeting 6:30pm 8th grade Jan 12 - 21: MAP testing Jan 17: St. John Day at Buffalo Wild Wings Jan 19: No School - Martin Luther King Jr.
St. John Catholic School Ss. Francis & John Parish
Questions, comments, or concerns? As always, feel free to contact us anytime or simply reply to this email.
St. John Catholic School 106 Military Street Georgetown,
Kentucky40324 502-863-2607