Please read this special Thursday edition of the Notes from the Office.
Happy New Year! And welcome back! I am hopeful that you all had some rewarding time together with friends and family during the Christmas season. On behalf of the staff, thank you all for your generous gifts and warm words that you shared with me and the teachers. It is so wonderful to receive such support from you!
Report cards for the second quarter should be in your hands no later than today as the teachers send them home with your students. I just gave the students the “New Year, new you” comments during announcements letting them know that this the perfect time to put in the focused effort if there are some grades they want to improve for third quarter, so hopefully they come home optimistic about a direction going forward and looking to develop some new habits!
The Christmas Hampers program and the Toys for Tots were great successes. I personally witnessed the Toys for Tots bin emptied 3 times during the two-week collection period! And I helped load all the Christmas Hamper donations into the van. I received a report that there were enough donations from SJS to build more than 50 thermal tote bags full of essentials! Great job on supporting those in need!! Congrats go to Mrs. Hoff and the First Grade for gathering the most donations for the Christmas Hampers program!
Please pay particular attention to the following information regarding the Inclement Weather Policy and Non-Traditional Instructional (NTI) Days:
St. John School will not always follow the decision of Scott County Public Schools with regard to the closing or delay of school due to hazardous weather conditions. We also do not follow what the other Diocesan schools decide. As soon as a decision is made, we will announce decisions on Lexington television stations/webpages and we send out an all school email.
Once the decision has been made and the school is open, we will not close early (except in rare occasions). Your children are safe once they are here at school. However, if you feel threatened by the weather or road conditions and want to pick up your children early, you may do so by coming to the office and signing them out. Please do not call the office to inform us you might come or that you are coming; simply head in to get them. If you need another family to take home your child they must be on your pick-up list. If they are not, you must call the office to give us permission to release your child.
If the decision is made to close the After School program parents will be notified during the day that Afterschool will be closed. Please make every effort to pick up your child from school at the dismissal time.
NTI Days are used when the physical school building is closed, but education will continue as a day of school from home. In the past, homework packets were the standard. The new Diocesan Policy requires a virtual educational component between students and teachers, specifically, where the goal is to encourage continued learning when a school needs to physically close due to weather, health, or safety reasons. Your teachers will have detailed plans and instructions on how the school day will continue and it will include a virtual component (with the exception of Preschool). While it is understood that exceptions will be necessary based on individual family situations, it is expected that students will log into their school accounts to interact with the teacher and receive educational instructions. Handouts or other take-home packets may also be included to facilitate the experience.
Mr. Mayer
Field Day Shirts
SIA is planning to purchase every student and teacher the below shirt for field day. There will be one shirt for students in K-2 and another shirt for students in 3-8. Student signatures will be on the back of the shirts therefore it is imperative that every student complete an order form. The $20 price is for any additional shirt you may like to purchase. Please contact Ashley Steagall at [email protected] with any questions.
2022-2023 Yearbooks
Did you forget to order your yearbook last year? That's no problem. We have about 15 extras that are for sale. They will be on a first come first serve basis. Please email the office at [email protected] if you would like to purchase one.
Snacks and Drinks
Just a reminder that all students should bring a snack and drink from home everyday. All classes have a snack time for students.
Step 1: Click the picture of students running down a hall-way with the label
"School Finder"
*Do not use search bar or "school uniforms" tab at top of page*
Step 2: Select your school from the alphabetized list.
Step 3: Shop away! Please contact us with any questions.