What happened to my summer??? I hope you had (are having) a fantastic summer. My summer was very restful and enjoyable. As we get ready for a new school year, I am full of hope, energy, and ready for a great year. Parents and parishioners have been working all summer to make St. John School cleaner, safer, and more attractive. I know there are many challenges at our current facilities, but we keep chipping away and things are improving every year. As a longtime parishioner remarked this summer, the facilities look better than they ever have in the past. The dedication and hard work of many parents and parishioners is the reason for the great improvement.
There are many changes in our staff this year. Mrs. Colleen Reinhart is our newest staff member. She has agreed to teach middle school math and language arts. When you have changes, there are often many questions and much uncertainty. I feel very good about the talented group of teachers that have been hired. They all bring great recommendations and strong academic records with them. I am looking forward to the enthusiasm and new ideas they will infuse into St. John School. Most of all, I believe the teachers hired will keep our strong sense of Catholic identity intact!
I read the following on the Notre Dame website of daily Gospel and prayer and thought it would be very appropriate as we begin a new school year: Lord, give us the hope to face the struggles in our lives (and St. John School) with the peace of Mary and the determination of Martha.
I look forward to seeing everyone at orientation!
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
PS – Please join us Saturday, August 5, for Rock the Barn Concert at Cardome. Bring your lawn chairs, snacks, and coolers. This is a chance to relax, visit, and maybe even dance! This benefits a great cause - St. John School. Everyone is invited!!!!
Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for their “muscle” in moving the heavy things (refrigerators, serving tables, etc.) in the undercroft so we could get the floors stripped and waxed!!!!!
After School Supervisor Job Opening
St. John School has an after school program supervisor position open for the 2017-2018 school year. The hours are 3 pm to 6 pm on days that St. John School is in session. The pay for this position is $12 / hour. Please contact Dan Mardell at St. John School (502-863-2607 ) to apply.
Here's What's New!!
The school office will be closed this Thursday, August 3rd.
Back to school supply lists have been updated on our school website! Go to www.stjohnschoolonline.org, click on current families, student supply list. You can also stop by the office Monday - Friday from 9-12 to pick one up.
Attention Canewood Residents We have a new family who is in need of someone to carpool with. She can do mornings but needs help with afternoon pick up. If you are able to help please email [email protected]. Thank you
The Family Life Office and Catholic Men, Servant Leaders, are co-sponsoring an event that will address the issue of pornography and its impact on our culture, and how we can protect ourselves and our families from this crisis.
We are hosting Peter Kleponis, Ph.D., licensed clinical counselor, author of Integrity Restored: Helping Catholic Families Win the Battle Against Pornography, and creator of the successful Integrity Starts Here! recovery program.
He is speaking at the Cathedral of Christ the King on Saturday morning, August 26th, from 9am-noon. The event is free (a free will offering will be received), and childcare is available.
Cross Country Right around the Corner! Hello past and soon-to-be new Saint John cross country runners! Believe it or not, the cross country season is quickly approaching! The first practice was Monday, July 24 – we meet in the grassy area by the big playground in Brooking Park as we always have at 6 pm. Anybody from first grade through eighth grade can run cross country - just bring a good attitude, some water, and a pair of running shoes! I will have a short parents' meeting at the beginning of this first practice to hopefully answer any questions. Practice will generally be Monday through Thursday from about 6 PM to 7:15 PM.
Now is a great time for you returning runners to start running a bit! If you have any questions on how much to run or how to get started, do not hesitate to call or contact me. My number is 606–669-1230 and my email is [email protected]. I'm looking forward to a fun and exciting season!! Hope to see lots of you soon!! Coach Todd
If you drink coke you can help our school raise money! All you need to do is enter the codes, found under the lid or on the box, at www.coke.com. The easiest way to locate our school is to search ST JOHN, 40324 in the search box. You can also turn your lids and box codes into the school office. If you would like to help enter codes, please email the office at [email protected].
Registration is open to the public. Please help spread the good news about our school. Visit the school website at www.stjohnschoolonline.org to download a registration form.
Summer Computer Lab Hours Wednesday 9-12 & 4-7: August 2nd
Submissions for Notes From the Office If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to [email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
St. John School Board Members President - Lisa Case, Mason Howell Vice President - Carissa Yount Secretary - Emily Balbaugh 1st year members Craig Bilotta, Meighan Gassett, Neal Thompson 2nd year members Carissa Yount, Emily Balbaugh, Kim Jansen 3rd year members Christina Gordley, Lisa Case
Dates to Know: August 2: Orientation 9 am-12 pm and 4 pm-7 pm August 16: First Day of School!!!
St. John Catholic School | 106 MIlitary St. Georgetown, KY 40324 | p.502-863-2607 f.502-863-2259 w. http://stjohnschoolonline.org/ e. [email protected]