The middle school egg drop projects before they were dropped.
Lots of field day fun!
Our middle school students went to Get Air for their field day!
Principal's Corner
Time is flying by and school is quickly coming to a close. This past week we had our annual art show. This was a great opportunity for our students to show their artistic talents. I would like to thank Mrs. Napier and all who helped put this show together. The program is a favorite of many and this year's show was as fantastic as always. Also, last Friday we had our field day. The children enjoyed playing on the inflatables, participating in the games, and watching the famous egg drop! Mrs. Mullikin did a great job organizing this day of fun for the students. MAP testing was completed last week and overall our students did an excellent job. Finally, our 8th grade students will be graduating on Friday. They are a very talented and creative group. They will be missed, but I am confident they are ready to tackle new challenges.
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
P.S. We are contemplating adding all day 3 year old preschool for the upcoming school year. Please let us know if you would be interested in this option or if you know of someone who may be.
Here's What's New:
FACTS Tuition
All families will need to click the link below to create their tuition account for the 2015-2016 school year. Tuition payments begin in July. Your enrollment is not complete until you have signed up. You will also need to use the link below to apply for financial aid. Please let the office know if you have any additional questions.
We would like to welcome everyone to celebrate our 8th graders at their graduation ceremony on Friday, May 22nd at 6:30 pm. This is just a ceremony there will not be a Mass.
No School
There will be no school on Monday, May 25th in observance of Memorial Day.
Summer office hours
The school office will be open from 9am - 12pm during the summer.
Summer Enrichment Program
St. John's will be having the Summer Enrichment Program again this summer. It will be held from June 1st-July 31st and is open to students who were in Kindergarten, First, or Second grades for the 2014-2015 school year. It is also open to students who are entering Kindergarten this school year. Hours are from 8:00-12:30 Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. If you are interested in sending your child please contact Ms. Graves or Ms. King for more information There is limited space.
Totus Tuus
TOTUS TUUS is coming back again this summer! So please mark your calendars NOW for the week of July 19th. Totus Tuus a fun and energetic parish-based summer catechetical program, for both grade school age children and junior and senior high school youth. Qualified college students and seminarians are gathered into teams that have been professionally trained; then are sent out on the road to spread the Good News of Jesus and Christ in various parishes throughout the Diocese of Lexington. With its curriculum on a six-year cycle, every year provides fresh, vibrant catechesis. In 2015, the theme is the Virtues and the Rosary mysteries are the Sorrowful Mysteries. The evening program will start Sunday July 19th for Junior and High School students; the day program will start on Monday, July 20th for students going into grades 1-6.
Lexington Catholic Baseball Camps
General Skills Camp June 15-17
Hitting Camp June 22-24
For more information on these camps please
click here to download the brochure.
AR testing
The computer lab will be open on Monday's from 3-3:30 for students to take AR quizzes.
Kroger Community Rewards Program (NEW)
Earn money for St. John School simply by shopping at Kroger and scanning your Kroger Plus Card. ** This program will replace the former Kroger Gift card fundraising program.** Here is how it works:
1. If you don't already have a Kroger Plus card, simply sign up at the Customer Service desk at Kroger.
2. Log in to : 3. Create an account and follow steps to enroll in the rewards program using our school's NPO number : 10168
***Your purchases will not count for St. John School until you link your Kroger Plus card***
Used Uniforms
Don't forget to stop by the office to purchase some gently used uniforms. You may also drop off all your old uniforms that don't fit anymore.
There was no update available. VIP people are in high demand. If you would like to work bingo but do not want to walk all night, please consider learning one of the desk positions. They are fun and a great way to get to know some of our regular players.
If you have any pictures of events going on around school and would like to share them, please e-mail them to
[email protected]
Submissions for Notes From the Office
If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to
[email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
Dates to Know:
May 20: 5th & 6th grade field tripMay 19: 8th grade's last Mass and 8th grade awards
May 22: Preschool's last day of school
May 22: 8th grade graduation at 6:30 in the church
May 25: No School Memorial Day
May 26: 5th, 6th & 7th grade field trip
May 27: Last day of school - Early Dismissal 11:15
May 27: Kindergarten graduation 8am in the church
St. John School Board Members
President - Jason Berry
Vice President - Beth Blankenship
Secretary - Andrea Flanders
1st year members Jason Noffsinger, Kathy Boothe, Mason Howell
2nd year members Sherry Kelley, Jason Yount, Beth Blankenship
3rd year members Jason Berry, Andrea Flanders, Renee Griese
St. John Catholic School Ss. Francis & John Parish
Questions, comments, or concerns? As always, feel free to contact us anytime or simply reply to this email.
St. John Catholic School 106 Military Street Georgetown,
Kentucky40324 502-863-2607