Notes From the Office: Monday, November 14th, 2016
Weekly Updates
November 2016
Welcome to "Super Moon Monday"! I hope everyone takes a minute to view the super moon. It is another wonderful example of God's beautiful creation. Friday marks the mid term point of the second quarter. Please check with your children to make sure all their work is turned in by this date. Reports will be sent home on Tuesday, November 22nd.
Congratulations to the 37 young people who were confirmed on Sunday. It was a beautiful ceremony and the church was packed. Just one more testimony to the fact that SS. Francis and John Parish is a vibrant and growing community.
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
The 7th graders wrote and illustrated their own folktales to read the 1st graders.
Last week the 2nd grade students studied the 10 Commandments and made a 10 Commandments book. They also made treat bags for patients and staff at Georgetown Hospital. The hospital was very thankful for our generosity.
Here's What's New!!
Concession Stand Help Needed We now provide a concession stand at the bingo hall. We are in need of volunteers to work every Friday and Saturday night from 5pm-10pm. This is very easy job with no walking required. Please email the school office at [email protected] if you would like to pick a night to work.
Mark your calendars for the SJS Christmas Program on Tuesday, December 6th in the Cardome Chapel at 6:00pm! A fun night of great musical numbers to put you into the Christmas Spirit! For more information, please contact Marleda Upton at [email protected]
Santa Shoppe The Santa Shoppe is right around the corner (Nov. 29-Dec. 1). We are in need of volunteers to help our students shop and package their Christmas gifts. There will be 2 shifts, 9:00-11:30 and 11:30-2:00. Please consider signing up to help with one or more shifts! Email Jennifer Hernandez at [email protected] if you are interested!
Attention! Attention! Work has already begun on this school year's (2016-2017) yearbook, so we are offering an "early-bird" special! If you order online or bring in a check made out to St. John School by December 1st. the cost is ONLY $23. The website for online payment is Check this off your "to-do" list now and save money. The price goes up on January 1st.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WINTER COAT DRIVE (ENDS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27) Now accepting gently used winter clothing including coats, scarves, mittens/gloves, etc. Also accepting winter baby clothing ages 0 - 2yrs. for Not Alone Pregnancy Center. Please bring your donations to the school office.
Save the Date The Knights of Columbus will have their annual breakfast with Santa on Sunday, December 4th from 8am until noon at Galvins.
After School Art Clubs/Drawing Class There will be no Art Clubs or Drawing Class in December. Art Clubs and Drawing Class will resume Jan 2nd. Watch for more details to come in the December Notes for January clubs.
SJS Annual Christmas Cards 'Tis the Season! Your students artwork on a beautiful 5x8 Christmas card. Please look for email and flyer from your student to come home beginning tomorrow. Please fill your order form out and return it as soon as possible! Last day to order cards will be December 5th. All proceeds go to support the SJS Art Program.
Computer Lab Hours The computer lab will be open from 3 - 3:30 on Mondays for students who would like to take AR tests or practice typing.
Submissions for Notes From the Office If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to [email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
Pictured above are the 5th grade book buddies reading with 1st grade!
Pictured above are some of the beta club members who donated their time to help with the Hope for Tomorrow Race.
St. John School Board Members President - Mason Howell Vice President - Roy Sturgill Secretary - Lisa Case 1st year members Carissa Yount, Emily Balbaugh, Kim Jansen 2nd year members Christina Gordley, Lisa Case, Roy Sturgill 3rd year members Jason Noffsinger, Kathy Boothe, Mason Howell
Dates to Know: Nov 14: School Board meeting 6:30pm Nov 17: Town Hall Meeting 7pm @ Cardome Chapel Nov 18: Mid Terms Nov 23-25: No School Nov 28-Dec 2: Santa Shoppe Dec 4: Youth Mass at 10:30 Dec 6: Christmas Program 6pm Chapel at Cardome Dec 8: Immaculate Conception Holy Day Mass 8:30am
St. John Catholic School | 106 MIlitary St. Georgetown, KY 40324 | p.502-863-2607 f.502-863-2259 w. e. [email protected]