I would like to clear up some parent concerns. A few weeks ago, we were notified that a middle school student came in direct contact with someone with COVID19. Even though the student did not show any symptoms at that time, we sent him home to be quarantined for two weeks. A few days later, while in quarantine, he started exhibiting mild symptoms, and tested positive. We let the parents in the student's classroom know and contacted the Scott County Health Department. We followed the health departments recommendations for isolation/quarantining and contact tracing. The student followed the isolation timeline and was cleared by a doctor to return. I assure you that I followed the COVID19 policy to the best of my knowledge. If you have any concerns about how the situation was handled, please come speak to me directly.
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell Principal
DON'T FORGET!!! ![]()
Cross Country Team Update Your cross country runners have been working hard during the last part of the season and putting their best shoes forward!! On October 3rd, the St John harriers ran at the Hopewell Invitational in Paris and on October 10th raced at the George Rogers Clark Coaches Invitational in Winchester. They did wonderfully; us coaches have been so proud of their progress throughout the year!! In particular, the boys team 4th-6th graders took home FIRST PLACE at the GRC Coaches Invite!!! This team consisted of Mark Reinhart, Coen Noble, Ben Mayer, Kieran Graham, Owen Graham, Samuel Mayer, Cruz Leverette, and Lux Leverette - great job running AS, and FOR, the team, boys!! In addition, our girls 1st-6th grade, although not having enough runners to officially score as a team, ran beautifully and most all of them ran personal BESTS! Piper Pennington, Avery Palmer, Kate Laco, Tess Laco, Lilly Dozier, and Cabrini Neaves really showed how much their hard work has payed off! Sadly, it was the last race as St Johners for 4 of our students:(! Maura Laco, Mackenzie Hughes, River Clark, and Preston Luckett have a combined 14 years of running on this team between them; their leadership and enthusiasm will be greatly missed! However, we all look forward to their bright futures... and I hope many of them keep on running!! The state meet this year has been tremendously fragmented due to Covid, so just a few of our 4th grade and under runners will be racing in Elizabethtown this weekend! Wish them luck if you see any of them at school!
Raffle Tickets - Due October 16th
Thank you to everyone who has sold their raffle tickets. If you need more tickets to sale, please email the school office at [email protected] and I will be happy to send them home with your child.
Don't forget that we will reward the class that sells the most tickets per family** with a Chick-fil-A lunch, free dress down day and movie day. The second place classroom will receive a free dress down day and movie day and the third place classroom will receive a free movie day. **For the purposes of the contest, if there are three students in a family and the family sells 8 tickets, each student’s class will receive credit for 8 tickets. Tickets per family = # tickets sold / # students in a class.**
Dress Code Reminders! Beginning November 1st, all students must wear pants only (except for girls on Mass Day). Shorts will not be allowed again until April. Please click here to review the uniform policy. Remember that students are not allowed to wear sweatshirts or jackets in class unless they are St. John School logoed.
![]() Raise money for our school while shopping!
FIVE WAYS TO SHOP 1. Sign up at shopwithscrip.com enrollment code: BDBBLD8822467
![]() 2019-20 Yearbooks are here!! If you forgot to order your yearbook last year, we have about 20 in the office that are available. They are $25 each.
We are currently looking for someone to create the 2020-2021 yearbook. If we do not get a volunteer we will not have a yearbook for this year.
NEW UPDATED Lunch Menu Starting October 12th!!! Click here to view the August through December lunch menu.
“The family, is so to speak, the domestic church.” (Lumen Gentium #11)
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Good Shepherd to bring CHRIST IN MY HOME Ministry to SSFJ! Each week, a short video (no more than 10 minutes!) will be sent via email and posted on our SSFJ website. The videos will help you prepare for the following week's Gospel along with practical ideas for building your "domestic church". It is our hope that you will set aside a time to view the video as a family and invite Christ in to your everyday living!
Videos and discussion questions will be emailed out on Sunday afternoons and posted on the SSFJ Facebook Page & the SSFJ Website. School Year Calendar Click here to view the full school year calendar. This calendar is subject to change due to COVID.
Important Dates: October 16: End of 1st quarter October 25: Truck or Treat 4PM - 7PM - SJS families only November 2: Picture Retake Day - School uniform must be worn November 3: No School- Election Day