Notes From the Office: Monday, September 18th, 2017
Weekly Updates
September 2017
I hope everyone had a chance to get out and enjoy the nice weather this past weekend. It was a little warm, but it was great weather for the “Double S Stampede.” The St. John’s K- 3
rd Boys team finished second and brought home a nice trophy. Also, Dominic Bilotta and John Reinhart finished first in their divisions. Congratulations to everyone who ran with great spirit and determination. Thank you to all the coaches and parents who made this event a great success. Please read below for all the results.
Mid–terms go home today. If you have any questions or concerns about grades please contact your child’s teacher. Also, please make sure you sign the mid-term and return it to the homeroom teacher
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
Here's What's New!!
Basketball Coaches Needed
We are looking for coaches for our boys 5th & 6th grade basketball team and our girls basketball team. Please contact Jason Noffsinger at [email protected], if you are interested in coaching this season.
Handbook Highlight!
After School Care St. John School offers an after school program on the premises from 3:00-6:00 p.m. daily when school is in session. It is staffed by two experienced child care providers. The children are grouped by age to offer them a quality and enriching program. In addition to having time to complete their homework, the children will have time to play outside (weather permitting), as well as other fun activities. Registration forms with fee information are available in the school office or on the school website.
New this year!!!! After school now has an email address so you can contact them to let them know of any changes in your child's pick-up routine. You can email after school at
[email protected].
A BIG thank you to our Trivia Night Sponsor, FAYETTE ELECTRICAL SERVICE
Get your team ready and get your registrations in!
Click here to download the registration form.
New to school? New to Trivia Night? We will put you on a team and guarantee a fun time! Just ask anyone who has attended.
Contact Kim Jansen with any questions at (916) 743-0388.
See you there!!
Cross Country News
Our harriers had the task of "defending our home turf" at our own Double S Stampede this past weekend at the Newtown Pike property. . . . . and they all succeeded in our mission! On a hotter day than most over the past 2 weeks, they all ran very well! Of the runners who ran the exact same course last year, Dominic Bilotta, David Reinhart, Kristin Drummond, John Reinhart, Gianna Neaves, Mark Reinhart, Coen Noble, Ben Mayer, Raeburn Taylor, and Griffin Hughes all improved their times significantly!! Top 30 finishes included Dominic (ANOTHER FIRST PLACE finish -- he has not lost this year!), David (5th place), Kristin (27th), John (1st place), Gianna (21st), Mark (5th place), Coen (14th), Ben (15th), Kieran Graham (16th), and Raeburn (18th). The K-3rd Boys ran with great spirit and GOT SECOND PLACE and a nice trophy -- congrats boys!! The members of this award winning boys team were Mark, Coen, Ben, Kieran, Raeburn, Griffin Hughes, Owen Graham, William Gordley, and Bentley Korthuis. The Saints race next in 2 weeks in Frankfort at the Archives course -- this is relatively close and an easy place to cheer them on!
I also wanted to express a big THANK YOU to all of our great parents who volunteered at the meet on Saturday! They were there early and stayed as long as needed; this exciting meet and endeavor with Scott Co. could not have been done without all of their awesomeness! This is just another example of what makes St John so special!
Art News
Sketchbook club meets this week, Wednesday from 3-4pm. Please let Miss Barb know if you are coming. [email protected]
Gallery Skip & Hop! St. John's Students are being invited to create a piece of artwork (2-D) the theme is #What Makes You Special? These pieces are invited to be submitted by Wednesday September 20th to Miss Barb with an entry form. The art show for this is to follow on September 26th from 6-8PM in the Black Barn. Admission is free. This is not a judged show but Pieces may be chosen to be on display for Youth Theatre of the Bluegrass up coming show of "Shrek the Musical" Contact Miss Barb if interested for entry form @ [email protected]. She will also be talking about it in this weeks classes.
Basketball season is quickly approaching. We need to see how many students want to play this season. If any girl or boy in grades 5
th through 8
th are interested in playing, please email Jason Noffsinger at
[email protected] so he can get an accurate number of players. Please don’t assume that he knows your son or daughter is going to play. If you have any questions, please email or call Jason at 502-316-3352. Thank you! Jason Noffsinger Athletic Director
If you drink coke you can help our school raise money! All you need to do is enter the codes, found under the lid or on the box, at The easiest way to locate our school is to search ST JOHN, 40324 in the search box. You can also turn your lids and box codes into the school office. If you would like to help enter codes, please email the office at [email protected].
Registration is open to the public. Please help spread the good news about our school. Visit the school website at to download a registration form.
Submissions for Notes From the Office
If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to [email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
St. John School Board Members
President - Lisa Case, Mason Howell
Vice President - Carissa Yount
Secretary - Emily Balbaugh
1st year members Craig Bilotta, Meighan Gassett, Neal Thompson
2nd year members Carissa Yount, Emily Balbaugh, Kim Jansen
3rd year members Christina Gordley, Lisa Case
Dates to Know:
September 12: Robotics 6-8 at Cardome
September 21: Cheer practice in undercroft after school
September 22: Robotics 6-8 at Cardome
September 22: Middle school dance at Mary Queen 5-7PM
September 25: Cheer practice in undercroft after school
September 26: Robotics 6-8 at Cardome
September 28: Cheer practice in undercroft after school
September 29: Robotics 6-8 at Cardome
September 30: Trivia Night
October 1: Student led Mass at 10:30
October 2: Cheer practice in undercroft after school
October 3: Robotics 6-8 at Cardome
October 5-9: No School
October 9: School Board meeting 6:30pm in 8th grade
St. John Catholic School | 106 MIlitary St. Georgetown, KY 40324 | p.502-863-2607 f.502-863-2259 w. e. [email protected]