A few things happened this past week that caused me to reflect on the blessings we have at St. John School. First, I went down to St. Camillus which was closing due to lack of students. It was sad because St. Camillus had a fairly new building with all the equipment and amenities a school could ever want. Secondly, a principal from another diocesan school toured our school. After the tour he remarked how the campus was so peaceful. He said our campus had a great presence of Catholic Identity and was impressed with all the programs we offer to our students. These events reinforce my belief that a great Catholic education does not depend on the building or equipment. A great Catholic education depends on excellent, caring teachers, dedicated parents, and a supportive parish community. These are the ingredients that make St. John School such a fantastic place.
Those of you who attended Confirmation heard the bishop compliment the students on the appreciation they showed. Also, our students we complimented by Officer Herron who was presenting a program on safety. He said he liked coming to our school because our students were always well behaved and had great manners. Keep up the good work!!
Take care and God bless,
Dan Mardell
Here's What's New:
Students do not have to wear their mass uniforms 11/12.
Due to the painting of the inside of the church, there will not be a school mass tomorrow. Students may wear their regular uniform to school.
St. John School Website Here is our first shortened version of Notes from the Office. To find more information on events happening around school please visit www.stjohnschoolonline.org.
Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance
We are truly sorry for missing the following 8th grade students for having Perfect Attendance: Nick Bealmear, Mario Diaz, Mike Drummond, Sarah Farrell, Rebecca Haysley, Ryan Fulkerson, Laddie Nikolic and Luke Mullikin.
Amen House Food Drive
The AMEN House is putting together Thanksgiving baskets for those in need, and the 4th grade class would like to help! Each basket will contain the following: $15 Kroger gift card for a turkey, sweet potatoes, instant mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken broth, cranberry sauce, corn, green beans, stuffing and a dessert item (cake/cheesecake mix, pie filling, etc). If you can donate any of the above items, please send them to the 4th grade class, who will be delivering the items on November 19th!
Students who bring in food items will have their name entered in a raffle for a Jeans Day Pass. Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Christmas Gift Shoppe We need volunteers to help Santa in his workshop! The kids really love shopping for their family, friends, and teachers. Please consider volunteering during our workshop Dec. 2-4. Times are 9-11:30 and 11:30-1:30 each day. Three to five volunteers are needed for each day and time frame. Please contact Jennifer Hernandez at [email protected] if you can help.
Barn Dance Thanks
I would like to express a huge thank you to everyone that helped make the kid's barn dance a fun event. Whether you brought a pot of chili or donated hotdogs or buns or desserts or decorations or your time, it is greatly appreciated. This event could not take place without the help of everyone. A special thank you goes to Bi-water Farms, Mark Moloney, Georgetown MMA and Frank's Donuts.
Thanks and God bless,
Charity Ramsey
Athletic Reminders
Reminder registration payments are due for winter sports as soon as possible.
Dance team practices start tomorrow, Tuesday from 6 to 7:30 at Ed Davis learning center.
Please turn in all Fall sport uniforms in a zip lock bag with your child's name on it.
The turkey trot is the final fund raiser for athletics, please contact Maria Pearl at [email protected] to sign up and help.
If you have any pictures of events going on around school and would like to share them, please e-mail them to [email protected]
Submissions for Notes From the Office
If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to [email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!