5th grades service project for adults with brain injuries.
6th grade lab making casts
5th & 6th grade boys basketball team
7th & 8th grade boys basketball team
St. John girls basketball team
Principal's Corner
Catholic Schools Week gave us a chance to celebrate our school, students, teachers, parents, and parish family. The students had a good time and should be ready to settle back into the school routine. Overall the winter MAP testing results were positive and they gave us an idea of things we need to improve. I enjoyed visiting with many of you at the gala. Thank you to those who worked so hard to make this a special event. I would also like to thank the Knights of Columbus for their help with bingo last Friday. The events of this week remind me that we truly have great school and parish community. I am excited about the future potential of our school. With your continued support, St. John will grow and shine as a valuable mission of St. Francis & John Church.
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
PS - Congratulations to our basketball teams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's What's New:
Registration for the 2015-2016 School year
Registration paperwork was sent home on Friday to all students. Please ask your student for this information if you did not receive it on Friday. Registration opens to parishioners on 2/9 and to the community on 2/17. The registration fee is due when you turn your form in. The registration fee for current families increases to $200 if received after 2/17.
2015 Winter Gala
Thank you to all who helped make this years gala a success. We could not have done it without numerous volunteers!
Valentine Candy Grams It is that time of year again. Beta Club will be selling Valentine Grams. Orders will be accepted February 2nd-13th. We will start delivery on Tuesday February 10th-13th. All funds raised goes to support our school and community.
Spring Athletics
It's time to think about Spring Sports which will be starting in March.
Soccer Updates: Since we are playing in the YMCA League this year, they run their Fall/Spring Leagues differently than we are used to. The Spring season was not included in the Fall fees and so we will need to send in more money per player. If your child will be playing Spring Soccer please email coach Ramsey with verification at
[email protected] and send in the Spring Registration fee of $65 for U8 and $72 for U10. This is due by Monday, February 9th. If you are looking to sign up for the first time, the registration fee is $100 and the athletic forms need to be submitted as well. Please contact Chris as well and he will send you the proper forms. I apologize for the financial confusion, next year we will know and adjust the fees to include both seasons.
Golf This Spring
If anyone is interested in coaching the golf team this year please contact Joanne Andres at [email protected] as soon as possible. Golf will start in April the week after Spring Break and meet once a week for six weeks ending the week before school is out. I need a coach to take the older students to different courses each week to play 9 holes by walking the courses.
Athletic Jackets
Joanne Andres will be placing another Athletic Jacket order in two weeks, if you are interested in the jacket/pants please fill out an order form and return it to the office by
February 13th.
Click here to download the order form.
Knights of Columbus Chilli Cook off
Do you make the best chili in town??
Why not enter a pot in competition in the annual
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CHILI COOK OFF! Take your best shot (No venison please!) -
Winner will be listed in the Knights of Columbus Chili Hall of Fame and will receive a $25 gift card to downtown Georgetown's favorite restaurant: GALVIN'S.
We are hoping to have 15 - 20 pots of chili in the competition . . .to enter your pot in the contest, contact Joe Caldwell for details: 502-370-7523 or [email protected]
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CHILI COOK OFF will be SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, after the 6:00pm Mass at St. John Church.
Lexington Catholic Regional Reception
Visit with faculty and staff, learn about our challenging curriculum and take a student-led tour of our school. Thursday, February 19, 2015 5:00pm-7:00pm, LCHS Library (Library entrance: upon entering the parking lot, follow the left side of the building around to the back and enter through the double glass doors) Questions? Contact: Mindy Towles [email protected] or Erin Hilton [email protected]
AR testing
The computer lab will be open on Monday's from 3-3:30 for students to take AR quizzes
Kroger Community Rewards Program (NEW)
Earn money for St. John School simply by shopping at Kroger and scanning your Kroger Plus Card. ** This program will replace the former Kroger Gift card fundraising program.** Here is how it works:
1. If you don't already have a Kroger Plus card, simply sign up at the Customer Service desk at Kroger.
2. Log in to : KrogerCommunityRewards.com 3. Create an account and follow steps to enroll in the rewards program using our school's NPO number : 10168
***Your purchases will not count for St. John School until you link your Kroger Plus card***
Used Uniforms
Don't forget to stop by the office to purchase some gently used uniforms. You may also drop off all your old uniforms that don't fit anymore.
If you have any pictures of events going on around school and would like to share them, please e-mail them to
[email protected]
Submissions for Notes From the Office
If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to
[email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
Dates to Know:
Feb 4: No Bookmobile Feb 8: Knights Chili Cook off after Mass Feb 9: School Board Meeting Feb 12: Saints in Action meeting 7pm in undercroft Feb 16: No School
St. John School Board Members
President - Jason Berry
Vice President - Beth Blankenship
Secretary - Andrea Flanders
1st year members Jason Noffsinger, Kathy Boothe, Mason Howell
2nd year members Sherry Kelley, Jason Yount, Beth Blankenship
3rd year members Jason Berry, Andrea Flanders, Renee Griese
St. John Catholic School Ss. Francis & John Parish
Questions, comments, or concerns? As always, feel free to contact us anytime or simply reply to this email.
St. John Catholic School 106 Military Street Georgetown,
Kentucky40324 502-863-2607