![]() Greetings,
What a gorgeous weekend! Last week, we were able hold the 8th grade and kindergarten graduations in between all the rain. The ceremonies were well planned and it was great to see the children and parents again. We are beginning to make plans for next year. Even though there are still a lot of unknowns, we are making plans knowing some may change. Tom Brown, the Diocesan Superintendent, stated that the diocesan schools will begin on August 12th unless there is an executive order by the governor stating otherwise. We will begin on a five day in class school schedule unless directed otherwise by the Governor's executive order. I hope everyone has a great summer. Please remember to keep our country in your prayers!
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell Principal
Summer Office Hours St. John School summer office hours are 9 AM to 1 PM, Monday through Thursday. If you need to drop something off after office hours, please place you papers in the mail slot of the office front door. I will get them when I return to the office. Please call or email the school office if you need to make an appointment after those hours. Have a great summer!
Summer Meal Program
Scott County Schools will continue to provide breakfast and lunch meals free for anyone age 18 or under throughout the summer. To date, SCS has served nearly 270,000 meals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note, there will be a few changes to the meal distribution schedule beginning June 1, 2020.
Meal kits will be available for pick up on Mondays,Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 12-1:00pm at the following locations: Lemons Mill Elementary School, Scott County High School, Southern Elementary School, and Stamping Ground Elementary School. Parents can drive thru to pick up meals for all children in their household. There will be seven bus routes each with multiple stops throughout the community where families can pick up meals at convenient locations. Delivery times will be 11am-1pm also on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays each week. CLICK HERE to view bus stops and estimated drop off times. We appreciate your patience as our staff works out the details of these routes to confirm exact times for each drop off point. Beginning June 1, we will no longer be able to offer individual home delivery but were purposeful in designating the new neighborhood drop off points so that meals are equally accessible throughout the community. No meals distributed on July 2, 2020. We are dedicated to continuing this valuable service to meet the needs of students and families in our community. With questions, please contact Nutrition Direction Mitzi Marshall at (502) 570-3035 or [email protected]. Information available in Spanish: https://www.scott.kyschools.us/News/summermeals2020 |