SS. Francis and John Church had a busy weekend with First Communions at three different Masses. I would like to congratulate all the students that received their First Communion. We hear from scripture that it takes the innocence of a child to get to heaven. It was awesome to see the faith and excitement with these children. It made me think how much the sacraments and God are the anchor for St. John School!
Also, I would like to thank all the wonderful families for their generosity during Teacher Appreciation Week. St. John School has a very talented staff. They love teaching at our school because of the great students and supportive parents. I would like to use a word to describe our parents which I use when the students do something awesome – it is a cross between tremendous and fantastic. St. John School parents are TRETASTIC!!!!. Thank you so much!
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
Here's What's New!!
School Board Information If you are interested in being a member of the school board, please email Dan Mardell at [email protected]. We have 4 openings for the upcoming year.
Lunch Menu Change for the Week of May 20th - May 23rd Monday, May 20th - Variety Chicken (strips, popcorn,legs), Grilled Cheese, Yogurt Pack, Uncrustable, Chef Salad with mashed potatoes, baked beans and fruit. Tuesday, May 21st - Teriyaki mini steak, Grilled Cheese, Yogurt Pack, Uncrustable, Chef Salad with noodles, broccoli and fruit. Wednesday, May 22nd - Hamburger, Cheeseburger, or Hot Dog (chili & cheese), Grilled Cheese, Yogurt Pack, Uncrustable, Chef Salad with Fries, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans and fruit Thursday, May 23rd - Little Caesars Pizza Grilled Cheese, Yogurt Pack, Uncrustable, Chef Salad
** All menu items subject to change due to availability.
Saint John School family, Thank you once again for your wonderful support of our art show! It was such a wonderful event this past Thursday. I was very proud of all the students work. Our judges were very impressed with the talent that is here at St. John School. Keep up the good work!
For those of you that took order forms for frames to purchase or to purchase note cards or those who would still like to I would appreciate the orders in by Weds of this week before art work is returned to the students.
Thank you again for all your support of our art program.
Mr. Bridges
Faculty Changes for 2019-2020
Hello dear SJS Family ~
This year has been an amazing year with your children as my music students. I have experienced so many blessings and have learned so much - I don’t think my life would be the same without “Baby Shark” or “Gummy Bear” ;D As the school year comes to a close, I must share with you the stirrings in my soul to look toward the horizon for the next adventure God is calling me to embark on. Where he is leading me, I am unsure, but with a torn and trustful heart, I have decided not to return to SJS in the Fall.
I would not change my decision to come to SSFJ for anything, and I thank you with an overflowing heart for embracing me into your community and helping this place feel like my home away from home. I know that the Lord will allow me to carry your children in a very special place in my heart. I will be praying for each of them as they pursue the life Christ has created for them, especially through the truth, beauty and goodness of His love brought to this world through music!
Much Love and Musically Yours,
Ms. Hannah Staub, Music Teacher, SJS
Dear St. John family,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of teaching your children this past year. I am very proud of their artistic accomplishments which was evident at this past weeks Art Show.
I also wanted to let you know that after much prayer and consideration, I will not be returning next year so that I can focus on my career as an artist. It wasn’t an easy decision, but I find that many exciting career opportunities await me and I hope that you can understand my decision.
I have nothing but respect for St John’s community, students and faculty. My experience has been genuinely a positive one. I thank you wholeheartedly for all your support this past year.
All my best,
Robert Bridges
Lexington Catholic Summer Camps Boys and Girls Basketball camp - Click here for camp flyer Volleyball Camp - Click here for camp flyer
Click here to view our new tuition rates for the 2019-2020. We are now offering a tiered multi-student discount. The more students you have attending St. John, the more you save!
St. John School is currently looking for a part time After School Assistant with pay $12/hr for 1.5 -3 hrs. per day. If you or someone you may know would be interested, please contact Dan Mardell at [email protected]
New Lunch Menu for January-May Click here to download the updated lunch menu.
After School Email Address If you need to contact Janene Barry about after school please email [email protected] For the upcoming school year all after school billing will be automatically deducted from your FACTS account unless you have made prior arrangements. Please contact the school office at [email protected] with any questions you may have.
If you drink coke you can help our school raise money! All you need to do is enter the codes, found under the lid or on the box, at The easiest way to locate our school is to search ST JOHN, 40324 in the search box. You can also turn your lids and box codes into the school office. If you would like to help enter codes, please email the office at [email protected].
Submissions for Notes From the Office If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to [email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
St. John School Board Members President - Carissa Yount Vice President - TBA Secretary - Emily Balbaugh 1st year members Colette Mayer, Sam Porter, Terry Case 2nd year members Craig Bilotta, Meighan Gassett, Neal Thompson 3rd year members Carissa Yount, Emily Balbaugh, Kim Jansen
Dates to Know: May 13: School Board Meeting 6:30 PM May 17: Field day May 20: 6th grade field trip May 21: 8th grade graduation 6 PM May 22: 3rd & 4th classroom awards 1:30 May 24: Kindergarten graduation 8:15 AM May 24: School Awards Ceremony 9:30 AM May 24: Last Day of School Early Dismissal 11:15 AM June 1: $200 per student annual fee due
St. John Catholic School | 106 Military St. Georgetown, KY 40324 | p.502-863-2607 f.502-863-2259 w. e. [email protected]