Congratulations to our 2nd graders on their First Communion. This is a very special time for them as the Sacraments are the heart and soul of our school.
Thank you to everyone who made “Teacher Appreciation Week” so fantastic! St. John School has the best parents around. The only problem I could see was the few extra pounds around my waist from all the wonderful food!
Thank you to the Bealmears, Squires, and Drummonds for their help spreading the mulch around the church and school. We also appreciate all the hard work the St. John Beta Club students provided planting flowers around the church and school. A special thanks to a parishioner, Jim McCarty, who provided all the mulch and flowers.
Congratulations to Shea McGohan, a seventh grader, who was the Knights of Columbus International Free Throw Champion in her age division!
As we head into the last two weeks there is still much learning taking place. Last week as I visited the classrooms, I saw students engaged and teachers working hard. The fifth graders had fun building rockets and shooting them off!
As we wind down the school year and head into summer it is very important that you help out your Bingo Team. If you can’t be there please switch with someone or get someone to cover for you. When you do not show up it puts extra work on the rest of your team. Remember, bingo is the biggest fundraiser for the school and church. With everyone helping with bingo it can be a great fundraiser and when people do not show up it is not as successful. Thank you for your continued help with this important endeavor to help our school and church!
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
Here's What's New!!
Uniform information Next year, we will have 2 new uniform providers. School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger and Shaheens will be our preferred vendors. Shaheens will be on campus on May 15th with the remainder of uniforms they purchased from Parker (our former uniform provider). We will provide you will more information on how to order uniforms as it becomes available to us. School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger will be having a 20% off sale in June (more information to come).
It’s ordering time for yearbooks!! Order your 2017-2018 yearbook today and preserve all those great St. John memories for you and your child! You won’t want to miss it! You can order online at with ID code 1925018, or send a check or cash into the office along with the order form that was sent home in your child’s office folder. Only $25 if you order before June 1! Yearbooks will be distributed at orientation for the 2018-2019 school year. There will be yearbooks available to purchase at that time if you forget to preorder, but the price goes up to $28 after June 1, so save yourself some money and put in your order now!
Field day is scheduled for Friday, May 18th. We are in need of 5 or 6 volunteers to monitor the inflatables and prepare popcorn. Please email the office at [email protected], if you are able to help from 8:30 - noon.
Cardome Update Great strides have been made to ensure that the progress toward our future is moving forward! We continue to lay the groundwork necessary to make the process of moving to Cardome a success. In an effort to keep the momentum going, we encourage you click here to read the following updates and stay informed during this exciting time.
Cross Country News
As the school year comes closer to its end, summer is quickly approaching. Summer means sun, fun, and of course ............ more chances to RUN!! The St. John cross country season will begin on Monday, July 30, at Scott County Park! For you returning runners, especially middle schoolers, it’s time to start thinking about getting some miles on our legs; it’s very important to come into this season in shape in order to get the most out of the season! For those of you who have not tried cross country, now is a great time to think about it and take that leap of faith! It is an extremely fun team and individual sport that is open to all St. John students from grades one through eight. All you need is a pair of running shoes and a great attitude!
Please let me know if you are interested or if you have questions, especially if you have questions on what the run and how to get in shape this summer. My email address is [email protected] and phone number is 606-669-1230. Hope to see a lot of old and new faces come July!”
Bus Driver Needed This is a very important program for our school and Lexington Catholic. Please spread the word to all your friends who have a valid CDL license.
If the sound of children laughing, singing and playing is music to your ears, we’re interested in talking with you. Lexington Catholic High School has an immediate opening for a School Bus Driver with a valid CDL license. The successful candidate will have experience driving a bus as well as working with children, and we’re anxious to talk with anyone who has transported school-aged kids to school in the past. Our Bus Drivers are an essential part in our educational system, and we value their contributions. We offer excellent opportunities and a competitive wage to the right individual. If you are interested please contact David Gadberry at [email protected]
Please join us for a Diocesan wide anti-bullying rally. All middle school students and their parents are invited to attend. There will be student and adult testimonials, a DJ, The Lexington Catholic Percussion Ensemble will perform, singing artist Jessie Powell will perform, and much more! Light refreshments will be served. Let’s all join together to put an end to bullying in our schools! Date: May 23, 2018 Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm Location: LCHS Theater Address: 2250 Clays Mill Rd, Lexington, KY
Lexington Catholic Youth Football Camp Click here to download the registration form for the camp. All registrations are due May 30th.
Clubs and Classes For the month of May there will be no clubs or classes. Please look for information on these in the new school year!
Art show THANK YOU! A Big THANK YOU to all those who helped out with the art show. I can not express enough my gratitude for those who worked with me months before preparing art work with matting, framing and taking care of small details. The people who gave of their time to help get the grids over to Cardome, set them up to the ones who helped hang the art show, were there that day, who helped with take down and getting things back to SJS and of course the wonderful donations of food, drink, supplies and scavenger hunt items! This year I was able to break up the donations and create 15 "baskets" for the students. I am very grateful that we have such a supportive and giving community for our arts program!
Art work and cards Art work is still being past out. Framed work is still being passed out and card orders will be coming out soon. Thank you for your patience.
Click here to download a copy of the registration form.
Click here to download the menu for May. UPDATE: Lunch will not be served on Field Day, Friday, May 18th.
If you drink coke you can help our school raise money! All you need to do is enter the codes, found under the lid or on the box, at The easiest way to locate our school is to search ST JOHN, 40324 in the search box. You can also turn your lids and box codes into the school office. If you would like to help enter codes, please email the office at [email protected].
Submissions for Notes From the Office If you would like a St. John School or parish event included in the Notes From the Office, or you have pictures you would like to appear in the Notes, please send your submissions to [email protected] no later than Mondays at 9am. Thank you!
St. John School Board Members President - Lisa Case Vice President - Carissa Yount Secretary - Emily Balbaugh 1st year members Craig Bilotta, Meighan Gassett, Neal Thompson 2nd year members Carissa Yount, Emily Balbaugh, Kim Jansen 3rd year members Christina Gordley, Lisa Case
Dates to Know: May 14: School Board Meeting 6:30PM May 15: Shaheen uniform sale 3-6PM in undercroft May 16: K & 1 Field trip May 18: Field day: No lunch served from cafeteria May 18: 4th quarter ends May 21: 6th grade field trip May 22: 8th grade graduation 6:30PM May 24: Last day of school for preschool May 25: Last day of school; Early dismissal 11:15AM May 25: Kindergarten graduation 8AM May 25: Awards ceremony 9:30AM
St. John Catholic School | 106 MIlitary St. Georgetown, KY 40324 | p.502-863-2607 f.502-863-2259 w. e. [email protected]