Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break. I hope that you had a wonderful time with friends and family and were able to reflect on the blessings in your lives.
Advent is here! As we make the 3-week sprint to Christmas Break, please help us keep your children focused on the tasks ahead while we bring a lot of joyful and exciting events the closer we get to Christmas. One of those events is the Georgetown Christmas Parade this Saturday, December 3rd. Please see the notice about the details down below.
This is our big donation week! Please check out the DONATE button down below to help support our iGiveCatholic campaign this year. While the big giving day is tomorrow, November 29, 2022, you can donate today so you don’t forget. Your donations go directly to St. John School and this year’s donations will support our technology and infrastructure.
Also, Ss. Francis and John Parish is participating in the Toys for Tots Program and our students can help by donating a new, unwrapped toy (see details below).
Last week’s Science Fair winners were:
6th Grade Winners
3rd Place – Cabrini Neaves
2nd Place – Jack Bates
Tie 1st Place – Alex Chandler, Mark Reinhart
7th Grade Winners
Tie 3rd Place – Kieran Graham, Brenna Muzinic
2nd Place – Luke Balbaugh
1st Place – Chloe Sturgeon
8th Grade Winners
Tie 3rd Place – Izzy Davis, Calder Jansen
2nd Place – Emma Butler
1st Place – Ben Mayer
Mr. Mayer
Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser
If your tired of cooking after Thanksgiving, head out to Buffalo Wild Wings today. Tell them you are there for the St. John fundraiser so that a percentage of your check will help the 7th & 8th graders go to Washington DC.
Christmas is coming up fast!! I have a chance for free shipping next week on physical cards! Please order online at RaiseRight.com or text: 502-286-0472, email: [email protected] your orders to me by Dec. 5th!
Get shopping and earning! ;)
Ginny Squires
RaiseRight Coordinator
Boys Basketball Schedule
Please click here to view the boys basketball schedule for 2022-2023
Toys brought in by students can be turned in to the school office.
Who can receive Free or Reduced Meals?
All children in households receiving benefits from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) are eligible for free meals. Foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency r court are eligible for free meals. • Children participating in their school’s Head Start program are eligible for free meals. • Children who meet the definition of homeless, runaway, or migrant are eligible for free meals. • Children may receive free or reduced-price meals if their household’s income is within the limits of the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines. Guidelines can be found at https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2022-02-16/pdf/2022-03261.pdf
How do I apply for Free or Reduced Meals?
Click on this link to apply online- https://www.myschoolapps.com using district zip code 40508 under Catholic Diocese of Lexington Schools
Does the free or reduced-price application only qualify my child for free meals?
No, students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals may also qualify for Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (PEBT), fee waivers, and much more.
Please contact, Child Nutrition Director, Char Banta if you have any questions at [email protected] or Assistant Director, Jenny Mitchell at [email protected] with any concerns you may have in completing the application.
Click here to view the calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. Note that the calendar is subject to change.
You can now oder your PE shirts and sweatshirts directly from our uniform supplier. They will be delivered right to your door. No more long waits!
Shop at online at www.shaheens.com
Step 1: Click the picture of students running down a hall-way with the label "School Finder"
*Do not use searchbar or "school uniforms" tab at top of page* Step 2: Select your school from the alphabetized list. Step 3: Shop away! Please contact us with any questions.
Shop with Scrip’s Raise Right App is now offering SHIP TO HOME! No wait, no hassle, way to raise money for our school. Download the app here! St. John School Enrollment Code: 3DF53A7C22467
Old school? Not a problem! SELECT GIFT CARDS IN STOCK AT THE SCHOOL OFFICE. (ask to see the scrip binder)
Your gift card purchases help buy much needed items for SJS classrooms. Thank you! Questions? Contact Ginny Squires 502-316-4182
Important Dates:
Nov 29: iGiveCatholic Day
Dec 1: K-2 field trip
Dec 5: Bookmobile
Dec 16: End of 2nd quarter; Early Dismissal 11:15