Please be sure to fill out and return your RSVP Attendance Form for the half day during Thanksgiving week before this week ends (DUE by November 10th). It is very important to fill out all 3 sections for us to properly plan.
We are still looking to help the Diocese staff the food service program for St. John School. They have posted for a Food Service Manager and a Food Service Assistant to prepare and serve meals at St. John School. We hope to have the spots filled as quickly as possible, so please have anyone interested reach out to me or directly to Char Banta ([email protected]).
Next, this Friday, Mr. Maxwell and his 5th Grade class are hosting a Veteran’s Day Luncheon. Flyers with details went home Friday, and is also included down below. All veterans, please be sure to RSVP no later than Thursday to help us with planning.
November is a busy month as we all make preparations for the holidays, change out our sports seasons, and work hard at school to make progress (next Monday is our midterm for 2nd quarter!). Please remember to take time to slow down and pray; spend quality time together, and ask your children about their day. We have been praying decades of the Rosary for the last 3 weeks and will finish this week with 4 full weeks of praying and reflecting on the Mysteries of our Faith.
Will be in the big parking lot where Trunk or Treat was held this past year.
Lauren Lemons will be handing out at the 3:00PM slot.
MOES employee will hand out the 5:00PM but Lauren will be there until all food is picked up. If you might be running late please email [email protected]
Thank you all!
2022-2023 Yearbooks
Did you forget to order your yearbook last year? That's no problem. We have about 15 extras that are for sale. They will be on a first come first serve basis. Please email the office at [email protected] if you would like to purchase one.
Snacks and Drinks
Just a reminder that all students should bring a snack and drink from home everyday. All classes have a snack time for students.
Step 1: Click the picture of students running down a hall-way with the label
"School Finder"
*Do not use search bar or "school uniforms" tab at top of page*
Step 2: Select your school from the alphabetized list.
Step 3: Shop away! Please contact us with any questions.