It is a beautiful Monday! It is hard to believe we only have 12 school days until Thanksgiving break. With your help and God's good graces we have been able to keep our school open during the pandemic. The teachers have been working hard to keep the students on track with our curriculum. It is very exciting to see the students engaged and learning. Our students and teachers will be remembering and praying for all our Veterans on November 11! Thank you for all your help in making St. John School a place to grow in mind and spirit.
God bless and take care,
Dan Mardell
Raise money for our school while shopping!
1. Sign up at enrollment code: BDBBLD8822467
2. Mobile app. Search for the Raise Right App in your app store for Android or IOs.
3. Physical cards now in stock Shop physical cards here. Please wait for confirmation email before sending money.
4. Stop at the office (mask required) and ask to see the Scrip Binder.
5. Contact me Ginny Squires, Scrip coordinator, TEXT 502-316-4182
NEW UPDATED Lunch Menu Starting October 12th!!!
Click here to view the August through December lunch menu.
Trump Administration Extends Free Meals for Kids for Entire School Year!!!
“The family, is so to speak, the domestic church.” (Lumen Gentium #11)
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Good Shepherd to bring CHRIST IN MY HOME Ministry to SSFJ! Each week, a short video (no more than 10 minutes!) will be sent via email and posted on our SSFJ website. The videos will help you prepare for the following week's Gospel along with practical ideas for building your "domestic church". It is our hope that you will set aside a time to view the video as a family and invite Christ in to your everyday living!
Videos and discussion questions will be emailed out on Sunday afternoons and posted on the SSFJ Facebook Page & the SSFJ Website.
School Year Calendar
Click here to view the full school year calendar. This calendar is subject to change due to COVID.
Important Dates:
November 13: Mid Term Ends
November 25-27: No School