Dear Parents,
Your choice of Catholic-school education for your child is an indication of your commitment to seek the best. You are aware that students in Catholic schools generally show superior performance on standardized achievement tests compared with their peers in the public schools. You know, too, that teaching based on Christian values will strengthen your child’s ability to cope in today’s chaotic world.
Dedicated teachers, discipline, and moral guidance are vital in a successful educational program. Something more, however, is essential if we are to achieve the excellent characteristic of Catholic schools. The other ingredient is YOU. Your cooperation, your help, and your active interest are important. You may wish to contribute your time and talent as a volunteer. You may serve as a resource person or offer help with special projects, or you may be part of our prayer community asking God’s blessing for all in our school family. You will certainly give your young person the loving support and praise necessary to build confidence and self-esteem.
We count you, the parents of our students, as a treasure. We exist for you, but we could not exist without you. With you, we will make this school year a time of special achievement in the mental and spiritual growth of your child. And we can continue to keep our tuition rates low, only with your shared time and talent. We encourage each family to work one bingo each month and to give 2-3 hours in another volunteer opportunity listed below.
Here are some of the available options:
General Maintenance (painting, weed pulling, etc)
Office Help
Catholic Schools Week Assistance
Health Fair Assistance
Grant Writing
Barn Dance
Box Top Assistance
Saints In Action
Beta Club
Cafeteria Assistance
Bookmobile Assistance
SCRIP Program Assistance
Yearbook Assistance
Click here to contact the School Office for more information or to volunteer. We really appreciate your help!